Conditions Treated by Compression Therapy

The American Chiropractic Association sees decompression therapy as a non-surgical method that can relieve neck and lower back pain. This treatment uses a machine that can stretch your spine gradually. The gentle stretching can release the pressure from your compressed nerve root. This results in pain relief. If you want to distinguish the conditions that decompression therapy treats, here’s what you should know.

Spinal Stenosis

This type of degenerative disorder makes your spinal canal narrower. The shrinking spaces put pressure on the nerves in your spine. Patients usually have this in their lumbar and cervical spines. While some don’t have symptoms, others have muscle weakness, pain, numbness, and tingling. Natural deterioration of osteoarthritis can cause spinal stenosis.

Bulging Discs

These discs slip out of their place or herniate completely. They cause persistent lower back pain and neck pain. The burning pain is from the leakage of soft interior gel into neighboring nerves.

Facet Syndrome

This is pain that comes from any of the facet joints that connect your vertebral column. It is an age-related condition that’s triggered by wear-and-tear. Facet syndrome may happen when a joint breaks down and presses on a vertebral disc. It can also occur when a weak disc deteriorates enough to let your vertebral bones grind against each other.

Degenerative Disc Disease

This is an age-related condition that deteriorates the flexible, moist, and supple vertebral discs into a rigid and dry component. That is why you feel pain every time you move.


Your spinal cord runs through your vertebrae. At the lateral opening or your spinal column, your spinal cord branches out into nerve roots that connect the rest of your body to your brain. Once these nerve roots are damaged, injured, or pinched, you develop radiculopathy.

Chronic Neck & Back Pain

When you have back pain, the discomfort usually ranges from dull to debilitating. If you don’t receive treatment for this pain, it can disrupt your activities and restrict your movement. If neck pain bothers you all the time, then your cervical vertebra has the issue. Your neck is usually prone to injuries because it is unprotected. Chronic pain in these areas can last for weeks or months. It can go away for a while and then come back again. Back and neck pain can be caused by many things, such as:

  • Improper use

  • Infection

  • Trauma

  • Muscle or ligament tears

  • Obesity

  • Congenital abnormalities

  • Joint problems


Your sciatic nerve covers your lower back. It runs through your buttocks and hips and then down each of your legs. Sciatica pain spreads along the sciatic nerve on one side of the body. It is a common consequence of nerve compression.

Decompression therapy can relieve the compression from your nerves and relieve your pain. At Element Wellness Center, we can help you regain your good quality of life through our chiropractic techniques. Please visit our clinic in San Diego, California, for an in-person consultation. You can also call us at (619) 523-9355 if you want to schedule an appointment or ask questions about our decompression therapy packages.


Happy smiling woman with curly hair lounging on couch.

Red Flag Symptoms for Back & Neck Pain


EWC Conditions Treated: Preventative Care for Active Lifestyles